Sunday, October 5, 2008

The House: A 3D Movie Logos???

Hello again my loyal subjects, hahahah. i sounded like King Booker right there lol. Ok, off to the topic, to those who have read my old posts, you already know that we are working on a 3D movie right? So, because of that, i have come up to the idea of making a title logo for the movie. And as for now, i only came up with 4 designs, some of it looks a bit crappy, well, i hope its only a bit and some of them well, i think, its quite good, for me hahah lol. Well, here it is:

This is my first idea, and for me, its kinda childish, (well, our target viewers are child though :D)
Now, i present you to my second logo lol, as you can see, the grass and ground combination? Its just another crazyyyy idea of mine lol.

Okay, you have seen the evolution of the logo, from the H looking like house into a ground with grass. Still want to see the third? okay, here it is:

Does it look creepy to you? Well, for me it does heheh. Okay, no more introductions, i present you my last creation (i called it last because it is the latest idea that came up to my mind):

Well, nothing new, i just made a "house" background to emphasize the title. So that's all folks. Comments are welcome, and you might want to give us ideas so we can make it better. Thank you again guys. Hasta la vista


Johnny Madrid aka Tim E. said...

Nice logo's. Your going for a stylized look. You might want to check out some art from Mary Blair and Genndy Tartakovsky. Great styles that might give you some more ideas. Good luck!

The Siraniks said...

I like the logo # 1, by which it's much more simple and it's not spooky but might be surprising.